Jobs, we all think differently about it. Some say they hate it, others appreciate it. Well this is my way of thinking about jobs.
Some people have jobs which have the privilege of working outside, others have the chance to work in a car or office. But here is my view on jobs.
I think every child my age(12/13 years old) should get a holiday job. Something that’s appropriate, like handing out pamphlets.
It’s good for you, I know from past experiences.
Working the long hours is worth it. Getting that papery cash or getting that instant credit to your account(if you’re an adult of course).
A holiday job is good to keep fit during the holidays. I state this because I know most boys and girls that are still in primary school or have just started college stay at home being lazy. A job will at least get you out of bed early(‘er than usual) and will keep you active during the work hours.
This is why I firmly think kids aged 12-13 should get a holiday job.